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Heating Modules

Prefabricated modules ensure the readiness and user friendliness for our customers. Our prefabricated heating modules for example the radiant heater tube can be fitted directly on the a wide range of industrial furnaces. 

Metalic Heating Modules

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Spiral ceramic heating tube

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Corrugated wire

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Spiral silica heating module

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Air heating cassettes

Radiant Heater Tube


Through in-depth collaboration with our end-users, we have continuously been improving our radiant heaters for the past 30 years. The ready-to-use radiant heaters are widely accepted by aluminum, copper and steel industries. 

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Strip tube

Installation Examples

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Vertical Installation

The internal structure of the furnace are to be measured to make sure its loading capacity is well above the weight of the heating element, even during high temperature. 

During installation, the flange of the heating element are set to horizontal to the furnace surface. 

Horizontal Installation

Heating elements can be mounted on both ends. For long heating element, we recommend instal partial external support on the element. 

Optional customizable support is also available. 

Immersion Heating System for aluminum holding and heating

Combined with Standard Ceramic Silicon Nitride heater protection tube, the integrated system ensures the energy efficient process of aluminum holding and heating. 

Compatible with a wide range of electric holding furnaces and dosing furnaces. 

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Heating Modules

Furnace heating and crucible heating

The prefabricated module is able to effectively maintain the shape and distance of the wires to prevent short circuit and distortion. Little to none maintenance is needed due to the solid built and construction method. 

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